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Tales of a Virtuous Woman Wannabe

Tales Of A Virtuous Woman WannabeClick here to buy on Amazon.

In her imagination, Leigh Ann Northcutt is a cultured Southern belle who never leaves the house without makeup and has a closet dedicated to Kentucky Derby hats. In reality, she is an inattentive, domestically-challenged woman who thinks the painting of toenails is a tremendous waste of time. She never wears heels because she can’t walk in them. She regularly burns the biscuits because there are books to be read. She consistently loses the Mother of the Year award because she drops off her kids and forgets to pick them up again. Her attempts to emulate the Virtuous Woman superhero described in the Old Testament were doomed from day one. Yet, every time she stumbles over a standard that has been set by the Virtuous Woman, God is there to pick her up and brush her off.

With humor that sees the funny amid the chaos, Leigh Ann tells the tales of her Virtuous Woman Wannabe failures. She weaves thought-provoking spiritual truths through each misadventure and encourages readers to live as God created them to be. Leigh Ann Northcutt lives on a farm in western Kentucky where she reared five children and one husband. The angels watching her house are laughing out loud.

“A journey of real life and laughter with much truth and no filters added! Grab some tissues—especially if tears follow laughter! A wonderful read!” – Leslie, retired teacher and real-life domestic guru

“Leigh Ann has a refreshing authenticity that will have you laughing out loud and also pondering deep spiritual truths. You should, without question, read this book!” – Kaylee, mother of six and on her own Virtuous Woman Wannabe journey

“These are great stories. Stories with scripture, humor and encouragement added. This book is a must read! A great gift to share!” – Sue, ponderer, laugher, and lover of a good story